Appealing a denial of your Social Security Disability benefits is more complicated than when you applied the first time. But it’s worth it. Appeals are how many people eventually win benefits.
You’re going to face a lot of forms to fill out and information to provide. But you can get support.
The Becker Law Office handles the legwork for you, so you can worry less about your disability appeal, focus on how you’re feeling and live your best life.
IMPORTANT – Once you receive a denial letter, the clock is ticking! You only have 60 days to file your appeal. Don’t miss this important deadline!
At Becker Law, we help people apply for Social Security Disability and appeal denials of benefits. We bring the right knowledge, experience and care to your case.
Keep reading for our guide to what you’ll need for your disability appeals forms.
Different parts of the Social Security Disability process require different forms.
Here are some of the most common ones:
You can wrestle with these forms yourself. Or you can give yourself a break and call in someone who deals with this paperwork all the time and knows exactly what to do.
That’s the Becker Law Office.
Disability law is all we do.
No matter which disability appeals form you need to complete next, a few important standards apply:
Missing one of these points can cause more delays or problems getting your disability benefits approved.
The experienced disability attorneys at the Becker Law Office can help you gather all the details and evidence you need to make your appeal for disability benefits strong.
When you’re dealing with limiting health problems, you shouldn’t have to worry about a lot of complicated paperwork.
Whether you’re going into a reconsideration of your disability denial, an administrative law judge (ALJ) hearing or a review by Social Security’s Appeals Council, get in touch with us.
We’ve helped thousands of people in Wisconsin. Let’s get the financial support you need to maintain your sense of independence.