How to Fight a
Unum Long-Term Disability
Insurance Denial in Wisconsin

Do You Want Another Chance at Financial Relief?

A major health problem undermined your work life and all your careful financial planning. Wrestling with your long-term disability insurance company makes an awful situation even more miserable.

Unum is one of the largest long-term disability insurers in the United States and provides group and individual policies in Wisconsin. If Unum is denying your benefits, you don’t have to sigh and accept it.

Unum deploys tactics often used by carriers across the insurance industry to avoid paying claims.

At the Becker Law Office and Hawks Quindel, our long-term disability lawyers know how Unum operates. We handle Unum claim appeals, and we can help you get fair treatment.

Our attorneys devote themselves to navigating the particular intricacies of long-term disability insurance cases—a full-time legal practice of its own—so you don’t have to confront this on your own. We’ve helped thousands of people secure benefits and settlements.

An experienced long-term disability lawyer can identify details of your plan that could help you, but your insurer doesn’t want you to know. Having a lawyer means the insurance company has to pay attention to you.

Talk to us about gaining access to the economic backup you expected so you can stabilize your life.

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How Unum Denies Your LTD Benefits

Unum is based in Tennessee and has thousands of customers across the United States, including Wisconsin. A big company like this knows how to twist claims to save themselves money.

But every case is unique, and a skilled disability lawyer can reinforce your individual argument for benefits, giving you a better chance of winning what you’re entitled to receive from your long-term disability insurance.

These are some of the common stonewalling tactics insurers like Unum use:

      1) Picking apart your health condition. Unum will look for holes to question your physician’s assessment of your health. They’ll argue your condition isn’t severe enough to warrant benefits, that you can still function enough to support yourself without their help. They don’t define “disability” in a straightforward way, giving themselves wiggle room to undermine claims.
      2) Claiming exclusions under your policy. Unum knows how to use the fine print in your policy to avoid paying your claim. They may deny you for:
    • Small flaws in your information
    • Medical conditions they say you had before your coverage began
    • Work injuries or other conditions that could get you benefits under other programs
      3) Appearing (deceptively) cooperative. Unum may ask you to write them a letter explaining your situation and why you think they should change their decision to deny your claim. This can deceive applicants into thinking they’re formally and properly appealing a denial. They’re not. You still need to gather evidence and statements to refute the arguments Unum’s own attorneys will use to continue denying you benefits.

This runaround leaves you feeling frustrated and vulnerable, all when you thought long-term disability insurance would be a lifeline.

Insurance is a business. And businesses are built to make money.

When you need to fight for your rights, the long-term disability attorneys at Becker Law Office and Hawks Quindel can give you strength in that fight.

You don’t have to pay anything for us to take a look at your options.

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What Happens when You Appeal Unum’s Denial of Your Long-Term Disability Benefits

Unum may deny your claim from the start, or it may cut off your benefits after a while. But a denial of your claim or termination of benefits isn’t the final word.

To terminate benefits, providers often raise the stakes of what they consider a disability.

They may consider you initially eligible for benefits because your disability keeps you from doing your “own job.” But after a couple years, they may raise that standard to make you prove you can’t do “any job” that exists.

When you appeal their decision, you typically begin by filing for a review in the insurer’s own internal appeal process.

This is a chance to carefully present your medical evidence and your application, remove weaknesses from your case for benefits, highlight what your policy is supposed to cover, and underscore how state and federal laws protect you.

If an administrative appeal like this doesn’t give you the result you need, you can take the insurance company to court.

A skilled disability lawyer helps you build your case for a judge.

The Becker Law Office and Hawks Quindel team of caring attorneys knows your rights in Wisconsin for long-term disability claims.

Our long-term disability lawyers have dealt with Unum—and providers like Unum—countless times before.

After a health setback and resistance from an insurer you were counting on to help you, we’ll fight to get you back on sound financial footing, and restore your chance at a more secure future.

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