Health problems knock you down. You can’t work. Your income stops. Your finances are in trouble.
It’s an emergency. Social Security Disability benefits, which provide monthly checks, can calm the emergency.
So you ask, “How long does it take to get disability benefits?” Well, Social Security doesn’t treat this with the speed of an emergency:
Don’t lose hope. After all that waiting, you can get a lump sum of back pay to compensate you for the months or longer that you had a qualifying disability but weren’t getting benefits.
Back pay can be a substantial amount, which finally eases your stress.
And for Wisconsin residents, you can have a strong ally to your cause throughout your journey: the Wisconsin Social Security Disability lawyers at Becker Law Office and Hawks Quindel.
We’ve helped thousands of people win disability benefits in Wisconsin.
You don’t have to wait to get our skilled, experienced disability attorneys supporting your case.
You can’t control how long Social Security takes to decide your disability claim, but you can make sure you aren’t causing more delays yourself.
These are key steps to staying on top of your Social Security Disability case:
Getting denied prolongs your case more than any other cause.
Having a skilled disability attorney from the start helps you avoid mistakes that lead to denials, get the right information to Social Security, and stay ahead of deadlines.
Even with a strong initial application, though, you could still be denied. Most people are.
An experienced disability lawyer will know what to do. Filing an appeal is more complicated than applying, with more opportunities for your case to go off track. Your lawyer is there to make sure you don’t fall through the cracks.
Your disability lawyer can’t change the fact that this is going to take time, but they can help you keep the process from stretching longer than it has to.
No matter how long it takes to get disability benefits, you never pay your attorney a fee until you win.
It’s best to start your claim as soon as you realize you can’t work because of your health. Start with a free consultation from the Wisconsin disability lawyers at the Becker Law Office and Hawks Quindel.
Surviving for the next several months while your Social Security Disability case winds through the system is daunting.
This is going to be hard; there’s no sugar-coating it.
Gather any ideas you can to stay afloat in the meantime, such as:
This is likely one of the hardest times you’ve ever had.
At the end of a long road, Social Security Disability benefits help settle down your situation.
You’re facing uncertainty in multiple ways, but one thing you can know is that if you have a disability lawyer from the Becker Law Office and Hawks Quindel, you’ll have someone capable by your side at every step, treating you with dignity and respect in a stressful process.
Don’t give up on your way to greater stability and peace.