If Social Security
Denied Your Disability
Benefits, We Can Help

    Fill out this form to get help with your disability appeal


    You Can Appeal and Reclaim Your Life

    When you’ve been denied Social Security Disability benefits, you want a law firm that has turned thousands of denials into approvals—the Becker Law Office.

    After all, your future’s at stake. Your health has gotten worse, and you know you can’t work. When you’re denied, it feels like your life is falling apart.

    Your income has stopped. Your medical bills are growing. And a health crisis is now a money crisis.

    Don’t give up hope.

    You can still appeal the decision, win benefits, start receiving monthly checks, and get a sense of peace back in your life.

    In fact, most people are denied. When they finally get benefits, it’s often because they appealed.

    Appealing is complicated, but you can get a lawyer who focuses entirely on Social Security Disability appeals at the Becker Law Office.

    Contact Becker Law.

    Man uncertain if he will qualify for SSDI in Madison, WI
    How to Handle Your Appeals Hearing with Confidence

    This might be your first time talking to a Social Security administrative law judge, but at the Becker Law Office, we do it all the time.

    If you have a disability hearing coming up, it could be the most important moment in your appeal. It’s your chance to explain to someone at Social Security, face-to-face, why you need benefits.

    You need to get prepared.

    The government may have someone there to testify that you can still work.

    An experienced lawyer can help you get ready so you can go in with confidence.

    In fact, a recent government report found that people who bring representatives to their disability appeals hearings are almost three times more likely to be awarded benefits.

    Don’t take any chances. It costs you nothing to have the Becker Law Office evaluate your case.

    Get My Free Evaluation!

    Hear From A Becker Disability Law Office Client:

    I want to thank you for your help and support with my Social Security case. I appreciate what you have done to help me out. I hope you know you make such a big impact on people’s lives daily. I just wanted to thank you personally for all you do to help people in such a difficult time in their life.


    Get your free consultation from one of our Social Security Disability attorneys.


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