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    Madison Social Security Disability Qualifications

    Meeting Social Security’s Disability Requirements

    Just because you’re unable to work doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get Social Security Disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is a large government agency that uses a complex system to determine if you deserve benefits. You’ll only qualify for benefits if you meet the SSA’s strict definition of “disabled.”

    At Becker Law Office, we can help if you need to apply for benefits, or if you applied but got denied. But here are some things you should consider when qualifying for disability benefits.

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    Man uncertain if he will qualify for SSDI in Madison, WI
    Do You Qualify for Social Security?

    There are two types of Social Security benefits: SSDI and SSI.


    The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program pays benefits to you if you meet three criteria:

    1. You’re disabled
    2. As of the date you became disabled, you must have worked under Social Security at least five of the last 10 years, and
    3. You have earned enough work credits by paying Social Security taxes.

    With SSDI benefits, you also can qualify for health care coverage under Medicare. You become eligible for Medicare 29 months after your official disability onset date. Medicare charges you a premium.


    Supplement Security Income (SSI) pays benefits to you if you meet certain criteria:

    1. You are disabled, and
    2. You meet the financial qualifications (you don’t have too much income or too many assets).

    With SSI benefits, you also can qualify for health care coverage under Medicaid. You become eligible for Medicaid on the date you’re deemed eligible for disability benefits. With Medicaid, you don’t pay any premium.

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    Man uncertain if he will qualify for SSDI in Madison, WI

    How Do I Know if I Meet the Definition of “Disabled”?

    Under the Social Security Administration’s rules, you’re only considered to be disabled if a physical or mental condition is expected to keep you from work for one full year (or result in death). Your disability can be mental, physical, or a combination of both.

    If you can no longer work, it’s important that you keep regular medical appointments to create enough documentation to help prove your case to Social Security.

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    Resident uncertain if he will qualify for SSDI in Madison, WI
    In most cases, Social Security considers you disabled if:
    • You can no longer do work you’ve done before;
    • You’re unable to adjust to other work because of your medical condition(s); and
    • Your disability has lasted or will last 12 months (or result in death).

    Working with an experienced disability lawyer can ensure that you get the right information and evidence in your application for Social Security Disability. We can help you avoid mistakes that lead to delays and denials. And we relieve you of the burden of applying for disability benefits on your own.

    If you’re denied, we help with that, too. Contact the Social Security Disability attorneys at Becker Law Office for help with your Social Security Disability appeal. Get started today with a free case evaluation.

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    I want to thank you and your staff with your help in my effort to secure disability. My arthritis had gotten to the point where I had so little energy left that I feared that I would have little left for life and family. Thank to you, it allowed me to concentrate on them as well as myself. I was always treated with respect and at a time when one has lost so much it was comforting. May you continue to help others on their journeys. Thanks again.

    -Greg and Carol

    Get your free consultation from one of our Social Security Disability attorneys.


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